As opposed to the contemporary internet experience, which is two dimensional, the Metaverse is a 3D space. It is an immersive, next-generation version of the internet where users can spend their digital life using an expansive network of persistent, real-time rendered 3D worlds and simulations.
With the integration of LiDAR 3D scanners on phones and VR headsets, the availability of devices capable of rendering high-quality 3D experiences instantly, and with fast download and latency speeds delivered by 5G, companies now have more unique windows of opportunity to build their brands in the metaverse and take global connectivity to the next level.
Real-Time Customer Support. With AR and video technology, customer support in the metaverse could use overlays, holograms, and back-end integration to resolve issues faster and in real-time.
Build stronger emotional relationships. eCommerce tends to be transactional and less about the experience. However, with the integration of metaverse, which is more immersive, companies can build new and lasting relationships with their customers.
Interactive vs. Passive Content. Most of the internet’s content is passive viewing, only 3% of which is interactive. Interactive content allows for exploration and self-discovery. It generates 2x more conversions than passive content. In the metaverse, companies can design their environments, empowering visitors to step into a company’s space and making it more interactive and engaging, like its physical store.
Re-merchandise the entire store in one click. The whole virtual store can be re-configured in metaverse with a simple click. Companies can also get instant feedback on the new designs and adjust them in real-time.
Unlimited Aisle Shopping. The opportunity in the metaverse is unlimited. Companies may opt to sell exactly new products and services. They can be creative in developing products and services that no one can imagine that could be brought into the virtual space.
Social eCommerce. In metaverse, users can share any experience with their friends wherever they are in the world. They can go shopping, go places, and do other activities with them as avatars.
Enhances brand recognition Having a presence in the metaverse may also impact brand recognition. Brands that use XR and metaverse are perceived as innovative, forward-thinking, and cool.
Let customers “try” before they buy with a 3D product preview User has an opportunity to try products such as makeup, glasses, and jewelry online before they buy and see the actual products in their home or offices. The 3D product views offer a deeper understanding of the products in the eyes of consumers.
Display additional information about products shown In the metaverse, brands can display additional information about their products. They can take consumers on a product journey, from galaxy scale to modular level.
Visualize product catalogs Brands may use virtual photoshoots to re-take any product shots instantly without setting up the whole photoshoot mumbo-jumbo. Consequently, helping the company saves money and creates endless opportunities for the brand.
No display write offs Digital displays offer advantages to brands as they can make unlimited changes instantly with zero waste as opposed to physical displays that cost significant money and cannot be easily edited or changed.
Create experiences that can only be virtual There is no limit on the users’ virtual experience. Brands can design it in a way, in a place, that no one else does. The only thing is that brands must consider where and how their products shine. Whether on the moon, ocean, or outer space, the metaverse is infinite and entirely yours to build.
One-to-many personalized service at scale In metaverse, it is now feasible for the brands to be able to provide customized services for consumers across the globe.
Real-time Analytics changes the game Through AI, metaverse will get real-time analytics and holistic consumer insights gleaned from total omnichannel operations. It will help the brands to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand and preferences and stay relevant in the virtual world.
Virtual Reality for Sales VR headset like the Oculus Quest 2 is a must to have a thing to enjoy and experience the metaverse fully. The headset can support compelling enterprise applications to experience presence for product demonstrations or virtual showrooms.